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Hymns for congregational singing
...scored for orchestra

All arrangements were written for organ and available instrumentation. The text of each stanza is reflected in the musical content. C4C.

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A note about style: TheMasterWorks catalog does not include music in the jazz or rock idioms.

Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Bright intro; 1: firm; 2: fanfare motives from brass; 3: somber ctr mel in str/ww: 4: slower, sweeping scalar passages move to unrestrained ending. 4 Stanzas; C; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00001
All Creatures of our God and King Stately intro; 1: firm, commanding; 2: sweeping runs in str/ww; 3: bright, flowing, mel. in tenor; br fanfares on refrain; 4: singing ctr mel over hymn; 5: regal, triumphant. 5 Stanzas; D; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 A00002
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Coronation) Intro: fanfares from p to ff; 1. sturdy, solemn; 2. full added ctr mel; 3. arpeggiated syncopated motives; 4. strong. scales and fanfares; Coda: 6 mm, fanfares from intro, powerful. 4 Stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00003
Alleluia, Alleluia
Hymn of Joy, view all versions
"Beethoven-like". Intro: strong 4 mm; 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 Stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00006
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
Hyfrodol, view all versions
Bright intro: 1. warm w/ subdued fanfares; 2. bold, prominent extended fanfares move to bright, bold ending. 1 Stanzas; F; 2+ $45 hyORkbF3 A00011
Amazing Grace 1. Bright brass, festive; 2. Graceful; 3. Full, warm, growin gto strong end to stanza. Arranged for congregational singing as an insert to J. Martin's Our Hope Alone is You, which include last stanza. C4C to request a full arrangement. 3 Stanzas; G; 4 $45 HyORkbF4 A00007
Angels from the Realms of Glory Bright Intro; 1. Festive; 2: warm w/ ww/str ctr mel, grows to end of stanza. 2 Stanzas; Bb; 3 $45 hyORkoF3 A00008
Angels We Have Heard on High Intro: begins w/ solo instrument, grows to become warm, inviting; 1:sweet, subdued; 2: bright, joyous, dancelike filigre; 3: reverent, warm. 3 Stanzas; F; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00009
Be Still and Know Warm, firm intro; 1: firm; interlude moves to bright; 2: bright, builds to 3: strong, proclamatory. Opt coda brings tone down to a warm close. 3 stanzas; C, D, Eb; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 B00001
Be Thou My Vision This is the last stanza only, scored strong, sturdy with brilliant fanfare figures. C4C to request a full arrangement. 1 stanza; Eb; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 B00002
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Child in a Manger © Intro: warm; 1: warm, homophonic inner melodies, 2: lilting counter lines outline harmony; 3: arpeggiated 8th notes figures gain momentum, build to bright, strong, full ending. 3 stanzas; C; 2+ $45 hyORkbF3 C00001
Christ the Lord is Risen Today Intro builds harmonically to 1: full w/ fanfare-like motives; 2: exuberant, dance-like, joyous; 3: intrumental colors support harm by Hal Hobson; 4: Celebratory, jubilant. 4 stanzas; C; 4 $45 hyORkoF4 C00002
Come, Christians Join to Sing Inro: Bright; 1: proclamatory; 2: playful, free, grows through interlude, builds to 3: strong, festive. 3 stanzas; Ab-Bb; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 C00005
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Intro is bright; 1: full, lyrical lines; 2: mel in tenor, subdued fanfare figures; 3: builds to full, strong ending. Organ isn't needed. 3 stanzas; Db; 3 $45 hyORkpF3 C00006
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Intro bright; 1: full, straightforward; 2: scalar accompanimental figures, Amazing Grace countermelody in ww/str in last phrase. 3 stanzas; D; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 C00007
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Intro bright; 1: full, straightforward; 2: scalar accompanimental figures, Amazing Grace countermelody in ww/str in last phrase. 3 stanzas; Db; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 C00008
Come Thou Long-expected Jesus
Hyfrodol, view all versions
Intro warm; 1: arpeggiated, articulated passages contrast with lyrical ctr mel; 2: rhythmic w/ long rising lines in ww/str. Refrain builds to strong ending. 2 Stanzas; F; 4 $45 hyORkbF3 C00009
Diademata view all versions        
Fairest Lord Jesus Intro: violin solo introduces rippling effect; 1: meditative; 2: phrases build to powerful cadences; 3: antiphonal motives, scalar passages build through the stanza and interlude to 4: Return of rippling effect, ending pensively, thoughtful w/ "A-men" cadence. 4 stanzas; Eb; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 F00001
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Glorify Thy Name © Intro: piano; 1: begins warm, moves to shtrong, full; 2: slower, reverent; 3: an out-pouring, powerful ending. 3 stanzas; Bb; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 G00001
Good Christians All Rejoice A renaissance dance feel. Intro: Dancelike; 1: Festive and playful; 2: Joyful, exuberant lines; 3: Victorious w/ fanfares and running lines. Optional transition and modulation to Joyful, Joyful. 3 stanzas; 2 in Eb, 3 in F; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 G00003
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 1: full, straight-forward; 2: powerful, highly ornamented, driving bass line throughout. 2 stanzas; F; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 G00004
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Festive throughout. Intro: counterpoint of motifs from melody, builds to 1: Festive; 2: Dancelik, imitative motives build to 3: Jubilant! Optional "A-men" codetta. 3 stanzas; Eb, F, G; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 H00001
Holy, Holy, Holy Intro: Optional modulation from How Firm a Foundation; 1: with praise and awe; 2: Exuberant worship; 3: Solemn march; 4: Slower, proclamation; Optional "A-men" codetta. 4 stanzas; D; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 H00005
How Firm a Foundation Intro w/ rising lines; 1: Firm, sturdy; 2: Liberated, dancelinke, free; 3: pno/org solo; 4: Intense, toilsome; 6: Powerful, triumphant. 5 stanzas (1,2,3,4,6); Ab; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 H00006
How Firm a Foundation Intro: Optional extended intro, from p to full sonority; 1: warm, solemn; 2: martial countermelody; 3: subtle driving lines; 3: pulls back, more subtle; 4: dark, sturdy but not heavy; transition modulates and drives to a powerful cadence; 6: climactic march; Coda: builds to a triumphant close. 5 stanzas: 1,2,3,4 in Ab, 6 in G; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 H00007
How Great Our Joy! Rustic, renaissance dance-like throughout. Intro: establishes rhythmic feel; 1: subtle, light - builds to a light, full sound; 2: more rhythmic syncopation; Interlude builds and modulates; 3: lyrical lines, less intense; 4: March-like, festive, jubilant. 4 stanzas; 1-2 in Bb, 3-4 in C; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 H00008
How Great Thou Art © Intro on last phrase; 1: full; 3: antiphonal motivic counterpoints; 4: Effervescent, cheerful. 3 stanzas (1,3,4); Bb; 2 $45 hyORkbF2 H00009
Hyfrodol view all versions        
Hymn of Joy view all versions        
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
I Love You Lord © 1: warm, reflective; 2: orchestration reduced throughout until only the organ is left in the last 2 meas. 2 stanzas; F; 2 $45 hyORkbF2 I00001
I Love You Lord © 1: reflective, small orchestration: 2 fl, 2 cl, tpt, Vln I & II, org 1 stanza; F; 2 $30 hyMIko72 I00002
Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise Intro: strong; 1: full; 2: sweeping, powerful; 3: commemorative, triumphant. 3 stanzas; Ab; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 I00005
In Thee is Gladness Celebratory throughout. Intro: full hymn, block scoring; 1: Renaissance dance, cheerful; 2: more lively, growing in intensity, lines move to triplets, then 16th notes, final section is strong, jubilant and rhythmic. 2 stanzas; F; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 I00004
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee ©
Hymn of Joy, view all versions
Beethoven-like. 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 J00005
Let All Things Now Living Intro: begins w/ solo vln, fl, cl to full ens. 1: light, moving to full, strong; 2: lyric, stronger than 1, somewhat festive. 2 stanzas; F; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 L00001
Lion of Judah © Celtic in style. Intro: imitates bagpipes, intense, excited; 1 & 2: driving rhythms, jubilant; Chorus: unrestrained; 3: driving with long counter-countermelody floating above driving rhythms. Chorus: unrestrained, jubilant; Coda: Exultative. Hard, but worth it. 3 stanzas; Bb; 5 $60 hyORkbF5 L00002
Lord for Your Glory © Intro: loud to soft; Verse/Chorus presentation builds through the repetitions with duple against triple rhythms. The last chorus winds down to pp. 2 times through; Ab; 3+ $45 hyORnbF3 L00003
More Love to Thee Reflective overall. Intro: intimate, with solo instr.; 1: solid but subdued; trans/modulation: subdued; 2: warm, ornamented ctr mel. Opt ending after 2; 3: to be sung w/ only light organ accompaniment. 2 stanzas; Ab, G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 M00003
My Jesus, I Love Thee Meditative. Intimate into beginning with solo fl; 1: solid, stately; 2: rising motives create forward motives, moving to a climax where a "weeping" melodic line, falls bit by bit and brings the stanza to a close. 2 stanzas; F; 2 $45 hyORkbF2 M00004
My Jesus, I Love Thee Meditative. Intimate into beginning with solo fl; 1: solid, stately; ;unobtrusive modulation; 2: rising motives create forward motives, moving to a climax where a "weeping" melodic line, falls bit by bit and brings the stanza to a close. 2 stanzas; F, G; 2 $45 hyORkbF2 M00005
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Nettleton view all versions        
O Come, All Ye Faithful Intro grows to majestic invitation; 1:Stately; 2: Light, singing; 3: Bright, triumphant. 3 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00001
O Come, All Ye Faithful 1: Triumphant, bright (key of A!) 1 stanza; A; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00002
O Come, All Ye Faithful Overall subdued reduced orchestration (Tpt, Bones, Str, pno, org). Composed for an intimate Christmas eve, candlelight service. 1: Joy in anticipation; 2: Light, melodic; 3: Hushed excitement; Coda: brings the ending down to a quiet ending. 3 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00003
O Come, Let Us Adore Him Overall goes from a whisper to a proclamation; 1: light, soft expectency; 2: adds brass, builds;3: mel in tenor, light fanfares build to end. 3 stanzas; G; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 O00004
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Extended brilliant fanfare intro; 1: pno and org only; 2: adds dancelike ornamented ctr mel; mod brightens; 3: adds rhythmic motivs that add intensity; 4: builds in intensity; modulation brightens again; 5: busy, motion moves 6: large blocks or arpeggiation build to end. Opt Coda brings back opening fanfares. 6 stanzas; F, G, Ab; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00005
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing 1: sturdy, block brass; 2: light, dancelike motives in ww/str; 7: solid, stately, build to a broad, powerful ending. 3 stanzas (1,2,7); Ab; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 O00006
O Little Town of Bethlehem Intro: mellow, sweet. 1: undulating lines form warm background; 2: organ solo; 3: multiple solo lines overlap and brings stanza to a quiet close. 3 stanzas; Eb; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 O00007
O Sacred Head Now Wounded Intro: dark, somber; 1: alto and tenor instruments, solemn; 2: stark, upper instruments, pensive; 3: full instrumentation but dark, solemn. 3 stanzas; c min; 2 $45 hyORkbF2 O00008
O Worship The King Intro: opens up harmonically to 1: full, straightforward; 2: instrumental lines grow through added lines by section; 3: full of lyrical counterlines that enhance and add to the texture; 4: martial-like motives move to a full, bright ending. 4 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00009
Our Great Savior
Hyfrodol, view all versions
Extended fanfares and sweeping scalar passages in ww/str mark the intro; 1: strong, warm, straight-forward; 2: mel in tenor, martial fanfares in brass; 3: org solo; 4: Intense, strong rhythmic figures interject long sweeping lines from the intro and move through the cadences to a powerful close. 5 stanzas; 1-4 in 5, 5 in G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00010
Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven © Overall shape, from light to powerful. Intro: light, transparent; 1: transparent, light, sweet; 2: warm; 3: soft lyrical ctr mel in ww/str; interlude moves to a bold tone; 4: grows bold and powerful and moves to a stront and substantive ending. 4 stanzas; 1-3 in Eb, 4 in D (ends ff) $45 hyORkbF3 P00001
Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven © Overall shape: from strong to intimate. Intro: 4 mm, strong; 1: stately yet powerful; 2: transparent ctr mel; interlude modulates and tone changes to 3: quiet, peaceful, with an intimate close. 3 stamzas; 1-2 in D, 3 in Eb (ends pp) $45 hyORkbF3 P00002
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness © Intro: powerful; 1: rhythmic interjections and ctr mel support the chorale in strength; 2: organ solo with light piano filigre charmingly represent the text, changing tone and joined by ww/str to close the stanza; 3: celebratory, jubilant. 3 stanzas; D; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 P00003
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Rejoice, The Lord is King Intro: strong; 1: Rhythmic, powerful; 2: flowing, festive; 3: stately, jubilant. 3 stanzas; C; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 R00001
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart 1: celebratory; 2: cheerful; 3: triumphant; 4: jubilant 4 stanzas; 1-3 in F, 4 in G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 R00002
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Intro: childlike, simple; 1 & 2: rustic, rippling lines support the text; 3: undulating, pensive rhythms propel the phrases forward, strong, respectful, personal and not overt. 3 stanzas; C; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 S00001
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above 1: full, strong; 2: darker, firm w/ strength; 3: bright, strong, powerful. 4 stanzas; D; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 S00002
Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart Medley - with Spirit of the Living God.. Intro and stanza: Mysterious, rustic tone. Spirit of God: 1: full, strong, chrimatic lines; 2: personal but longingly - builds to a strong ending; 3: pastoral, reflective; 4: builds powerfully to the end but remains solemn. 2 stanza; Bb; 3 Medley w/ S00007 $45 hyORkbF3 S00006
Spirit of the Living God © Medley - with Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart. Intro and stanza: Mysterious, rustic tone. Spirit of God: 1: full, strong, chrimatic lines; 2: personal but longingly - builds to a strong ending; 3: pastoral, reflective; 4: builds powerfully to the end but remains solemn. 1 stanza; F; 3 Medley w/ S00006 $45 hyORkbF3 S00007
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Thine is the Glory Intro: short, leading directly to 1: strong, bright, festive; 2: gentl but firm, growing through the refrain to 3: exuberant, triumphant. Optional "A-men" codetta. 3 stanzas; Eb; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 T00001
Thou Art Worthy © Intro: gentle. Begins simple gradually becoming exultative before returning to the opening simplicity. 1 stanza; Bb; 2 $45 hyORkbF2 T00002
To God Be the Glory Intro: brilliant; 1: strong, straight forward, the refrain is celebratory; 2: begins sweet and grows stronger with each phrase to the refrain which brings a powerful close. 2 stanzas (1,3); G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 T00003
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Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
We Will Glorify © Overall starts strong and grows to the end. Intro: strong; 1: rhythmic; 2: festive; 3: brilliant; 4: celebratory; Coda: triumphant. (Key structure is different from W00002) 4 stanzas; 1-2 D, 3 Eb, 4 F; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 W00001
We Will Glorify © Overall starts strong and grows to the end. Intro: strong; 1: rhythmic; 2: festive; 3: brilliant; 4: celebratory; Coda: triumphant. (Key structure is different from W00001) 4 stanzas; C,D,Eb,F; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 W00002
Were You There? Intro: offstage trumpet call; 1 & 2: intimate, personal and somber/sobering. 2 stanzas; Eb; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 W00003
What Wondrous Love is This? This arrangement is somber, deep in tone. Each stanza builds to higher degree of intensity. Key words are highlighted in the orchestration. The coda brings the tone down to the opening deep richness. This arrangement is difficult but worthy of the time. 3 stanzas; d dorian; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 W00006
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Intro is deeply personal and private; 1: longing, heavy; 2: dark, lower brass; 3: stark, higher timbres, a long, wanton ctr mel builds to falling scales (tears); 4: quiet, contempletive, simple. 4 stanzas; F; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 W00007
When Morning Guilds the Skies Intro is subtle tones emulating a sunrise; 1: word-painting abound, undulating lines, peaceful; 2: solo lines overlap building to 3: morning rays depicted by arpeggiated patterns, mel in tenor; 4: exuberant, celebratory. 4 stanzas; C; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 W00008
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Hymn Tunes
CWM Rhonda Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 1: full, straight-forward; 2: powerful, highly ornamented, driving bass line throughout. 2 stanzas; F; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 G00004
Darwall Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Rejoice, The Lord is King Intro: strong; 1: Rhythmic, powerful; 2: flowing, festive; 3: stately, jubilant. 3 stanzas; C; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 R00001
Hyfrodol Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus Bright intro: 1. warm w/ subdued fanfares; 2. bold, prominent extended fanfares move to bright, bold ending. 1 Stanzas; F; 2+ $45 hyORkbF3 A00011
Come Thou Long-expected Jesus (Hyfrodol) Intro warm; 1: arpeggiated, articulated passages contrast with lyrical ctr mel; 2: rhythmic w/ long rising lines in ww/str. Refrain builds to strong ending. 2 Stanzas; F; 4 $45 hyORkbF3 C00009
Our Great Savior Extended fanfares and sweeping scalar passages in ww/str mark the intro; 1: strong, warm, straight-forward; 2: mel in tenor, martial fanfares in brass; 3: org solo; 4: Intense, strong rhythmic figures interject long sweeping lines from the intro and move through the cadences to a powerful close. 5 stanzas; 1-4 in 5, 5 in G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00010
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Hymn of Joy Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Alleluia, Alleluia (Hymn to Joy) "Beethoven-like". Intro: strong 4 mm; 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 Stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00006
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee © Beethoven-like. 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 J00005
Nettleton Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Intro is bright; 1: full, lyrical lines; 2: mel in tenor, subdued fanfare figures; 3: builds to full, strong ending. Organ isn't needed. 3 stanzas; Db; 3 $45 hyORkpF3 C00006
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Intro bright; 1: full, straightforward; 2: scalar accompanimental figures, Amazing Grace countermelody in ww/str in last phrase. 3 stanzas; D; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 C00007
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Intro bright; 1: full, straightforward; 2: scalar accompanimental figures, Amazing Grace countermelody in ww/str in last phrase. 3 stanzas; Db; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 C00008
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness © Intro: powerful; 1: rhythmic interjections and ctr mel support the chorale in strength; 2: organ solo with light piano filigre charmingly represent the text, changing tone and joined by ww/str to close the stanza; 3: celebratory, jubilant. 3 stanzas; D; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 P00003
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