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Music for Advent and Christmas

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Hymns for Congregational Singing
Title Description by Stanza Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Alleluia, Alleluia
Orch. "Beethoven-like". Intro: strong 4 mm; 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 Stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00006
Angels from the Realms of Glory Orch. Bright Intro; 1. Festive; 2: warm w/ ww/str ctr mel, grows to end of stanza. 2 Stanzas; Bb; 3 $45 hyORkoF3 A00008
Angels We Have Heard on High Orch. Intro: begins w/ solo instrument, grows to become warm, inviting; 1:sweet, subdued; 2: bright, joyous, dancelike filigre; 3: reverent, warm. 3 Stanzas; F; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 A00009
Angels We Have Heard on High 2 hn, 2 tpt, 2 bone, tuba, org. Overall: builds to last cadence; 1: sweetly; 2: bright, jouous builds to refrain which is exuberant; 3: regal, becoming more triumphant to the end. 3 Stanzas; F; 3 $20 hyBRko73 A00010
Child in a Manger © Orch. Intro: warm; 1: warm, homophonic inner melodies, 2: lilting counter lines outline harmony; 3: arpeggiated 8th notes figures gain momentum, build to bright, strong, full ending. 3 stanzas; C; 2+ $45 hyORkbF3 C00001
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Orch. Intro is bright; 1: full, lyrical lines; 2: mel in tenor, subdued fanfare figures; 3: builds to full, strong ending. Organ isn't needed. 3 stanzas; Db; 3 $45 hyORkpF3 C00006
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Orch. Intro bright; 1: full, straightforward; 2: scalar accompanimental figures, Amazing Grace countermelody in ww/str in last phrase. 3 stanzas; D; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 C00007
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Orch. Intro bright; 1: full, straightforward; 2: scalar accompanimental figures, Amazing Grace countermelody in ww/str in last phrase. 3 stanzas; Db; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 C00008
Come Thou Long-expected Jesus Orch. Intro warm; 1: arpeggiated, articulated passages contrast with lyrical ctr mel; 2: rhythmic w/ long rising lines in ww/str. Refrain builds to strong ending. 2 Stanzas; F; 4 $45 hyORkbF3 C00009
Emmanuel © For cl, sop sx, flugel (tpt), org- sung in a reflective Christmaas eve service. 1x: subtle, transparent lowing lines fill the harmony, growing in quiet determination, but resolving to a quiet ending. 2 stanzas; C; 3+ $20 hyMIko34 E00002
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Good Christians All Rejoice Orch. A renaissance dance feel. Intro: Dancelike; 1: Festive and playful; 2: Joyful, exuberant lines; 3: Victorious w/ fanfares and running lines. Optional transition and modulation to Joyful, Joyful. 3 stanzas; 2 in Eb, 3 in F; 4 $45 hyORkbF4 G00003
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Orch. Festive throughout. Intro: counterpoint of motifs from melody, builds to 1: Festive; 2: Dancelik, imitative motives build to 3: Jubilant! Optional "A-men" codetta. 3 stanzas; Eb, F, G; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 H00001
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing For Picc. Tpt, timp (opt), org. 1: tpt/timp interject melodic fanfare-like figures; 2L lively tpt lines, timp outlines cadences; 3: embellished, regaal fanfares over a walking base in organ. Key of Eb. 2 stanzas; E; 4 $5 hyMIko63 H00003
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing for Picc. Tpt, timp (opt), org. 1: tpt/timp interject melodic fanfare-like figures; 2L lively tpt lines, timp outlines cadences; 3: embellished, regaal fanfares over a walking base in organ. Key of F. 2 stanzas; F; 4 $5 hyMIko24 H00004
How Great Our Joy! Orch. Rustic, renaissance dance-like throughout. Intro: establishes rhythmic feel; 1: subtle, light - builds to a light, full sound; 2: more rhythmic syncopation; Interlude builds and modulates; 3: lyrical lines, less intense; 4: March-like, festive, jubilant. 4 stanzas; 1-2 in Bb, 3-4 in C; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 H00008
Hymn of Joy
Hymn of Joy, view all versions
2 tpt, 2 bone, B bone, tuba, org. 1: solid, straight-forward; 2: strong, powerful 2 stanzas; G; 2+ $20 hyBRko62 H00011
Hymn of Joy
Hymn of Joy, view all versions
2 tpt, org. 1: solid, straight-forward; 2: light, lively motifs throughout; 3: melody; 4: stufdy, powerful 4 stanzas; G; 2+ $20 hyBRko22 H00012
In Thee We Rejoice Orch. Celebratory throughout. Intro: full hymn, block scoring; 1: Renaissance dance, cheerful; 2: more lively, growing in intensity, lines move to triplets, then 16th notes, final section is strong, jubilant and rhythmic. 2 stanzas; F; 3+ $45 hyORkbF3 I00004
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Infant Holy, Infant Lowly For sop sx. 1: flowing lines sweetly intertwine the harmony; 2: begins w/ peaceful ctr mel and moves to more active lyrical line. The part is high and can be heard over the congregation - composed for a reflective Christmas Eve service. 2 stanzas; G; 2+ $5 hyWWko12 I00006
Joy to the World For piccolo tpt, org. (Key of C) Overall: unrestrained. Intro: begins with unaccompanied tpt, joined by organ; 1: embellished interjections; 2: higher than 1, triumphant, powerful lines over melody; 3: unrelenting motion in lines bring to a powerful close. Not for the casual picc tpt player. 4 stanzas; C; 4 $5 hyBRko14 J00004
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee ©
Hymn of Joy, view all versions
Orch. Beethoven-like. 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 J00005
O Come, All Ye Faithful Orch. Intro grows to majestic invitation; 1:Stately; 2: Light, singing; 3: Bright, triumphant. 3 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00001
O Come, All Ye Faithful Orch. 1: Triumphant, bright (key of A!) 1 stanza; A; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00002
O Come, All Ye Faithful Orch. Overall subdued reduced orchestration (Tpt, Bones, Str, pno, org). Composed for an intimate Christmas eve, candlelight service. 1: Joy in anticipation; 2: Light, melodic; 3: Hushed excitement; Coda: brings the ending down to a quiet ending. 3 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 O00003
O Come, Let Us Adore Him Orch. Overall goes from a whisper to a proclamation; 1: light, soft expectency; 2: adds brass, builds;3: mel in tenor, light fanfares build to end. 3 stanzas; G; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 O00004
O Little Town of Bethlehem Orch. Intro: mellow, sweet. 1: undulating lines form warm background; 2: organ solo; 3: multiple solo lines overlap and brings stanza to a quiet close. 3 stanzas; Eb; 2+ $45 hyORkbF2 O00007
What Child Is This? For cl or 1: flowing lines are cheerful, lighthearted; 2: lyrical, lilting, almost whimsical with delight. 3 stanzas; e min; 3+ $5 hyWWko13 W00004
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Stand Alones
Title or name Instrumentation Difficulty/Description Length $ Prefix Cat #
Concerto in C Major for 2 piccolos (flutes)
2 picc (fl) soloists, orchestra In this short Allegro movement, solo parts are diff: 3, the orchesra is diff. 2. Lighthearted, with the baroque bounce. 2'15" $30 soWWor23 C00017
G. F. Handel:
Hallelujah! Amen from Judas Maccabaeus
2 tpt, 2 bone, tuba, timp, org The brass play the chorus parts and the organ, the accompaniment. Optional timps. Composed as a postlude for Resurrection Sunday. 1'20" $20 saMIko63 H00013
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Original Works
Title or name Instrumentation Difficulty/Description Length $ Prefix Cat #
Christmas Medley Orchestra Orch. Bright and celebratory, this medley is comprised of three hymn settings for congregation: Angels We Have Heard, How Great Our Joy, O Come All Ye Faithful. Used as Postlude following an Advent presentation. 2'30" $40 saORkbF3 C00018
Christmas Prelude 3 tpt, 3 bone, tuba, pno, org Based on Hark the Herald Angels Sing and Angels We Have Hearde on High. 3 min. $20 saBRkb73 C00013
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Fl/Picc, 2 Cl, vln, vc Diff: 4+. Cl pts both difficult. VC diff: 3. Variations build into a rousing dance. includes changing meters and tempos. 3'12" $30 saMIna54 C00014
Emmanuel Come Picc(recorder), Oboe, BassCl(bsn), Drone(org) Expository solos interweave snippets from O Come, O Come, I Wonder as I Wander, & Infant Holy. Composed to be played in a dim-lit sanctuary on Christmas Eve. 2'35" $25 saWWko34 E00004
Fearful Fanfare 4 tpt, 3 bones, pno, org Written to be played in the balcony (out of sight). Begins dissonant, resolving to brilliant. To prepare the Scripture "And suddenly there appeared to them..." (Luke 2:13) 30 sec. $20 saBRkb73 F00002
In Thee We Rejoice! Orchestra Celebratory. Opens with a rustic setting of "In Thee is Gladness" moves to "Good Christians All Rejoice!". Snippets of both melodies become the counterpoint for "What Child is This". 4 min $50 saORkbF4 I00009
Infant Joy String Quartet (2 vln, vla, vc) Based on "Infant Holy" and "How Great our Joy". Composed for a student string quartet in elementary school. 2'15" $15 saSTna42 I00008
Variants on Of the Father's Love Begotten Orchestra, choir, handbells, tape Aleatoric opening (Genesis), the orchestra surrounds the congregation. Snippets from the chant move around the congregation and build to the offstage choir singing stanza II. The orchestra, now in place, imitate the call and response from the Jewish service (OT Covenants), solo organ begins the fugue on the chant, joined by the orchestra and choir (now in place). 5 min $80 saORkbF5 V00001
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Choir Selections
Title or name Composer/Publisher Description Length $ Prefix Cat #
In the Silence, Wondrous Love © Ruth Elaine Schram
Alfred Publishing Co.
2 fl, 2 cl, A.Sx, 2 vln, vc, pno 2'50" $20 otCHch83 I00010
My Soul Praises the Lord © John E. Coates
Lorenz Publishing Co.
Orchestra, pno 3 min $45 otCHorF3 M00007
O Gentle Jesus © Joseph M. Martin
Malcolm Music, a division of Shawnee Press, Inc
Orchestra 3'30" $45 otCHorF3 O00011
The King of Love My Savior Is © Dan Forrest
Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
Picc, Fl, Cl, Vln, VC, pno 4'15" $20 otCHch53 T00011
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Hymn of Joy Instrumentation Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee © Orch. Beethoven-like. 1. stately, march-like; 2. Exhilirating with scales from Beethoven's Sym 9. 2 stanzas; G; 3 $45 hyORkbF3 J00005
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee © 3 tpt, 2 bone, Bbone, tuba, timp, org. Intro: strong, firm, inviting; 1: solid, full; 2: mel in tenor with celebratory ctr lines/fanfares in tpts, moves to a triumphant close. 2 stanzas; G; 2+ $20 hyMIko82 J00006
Hymn of Joy 2 tpt, 2 bone, B bone, tuba, org. 1: solid, straight-forward; 2: strong, powerful 2 stanzas; G; 2+ $20 hyBRko62 H00011
Hymn of Joy 2 tpt, org. 1: solid, straight-forward; 2: light, lively motifs throughout; 3: melody; 4: stufdy, powerful 4 stanzas; G; 2+ $20 hyBRko22 H00012

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