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Hymns for congregational singing

These descants are primarily for trumpet(s). There are a few for other instruments and groups. Contact us to request a descant. Save time. Learn about our catalog system and C4C at no charge.

The copyright symbol; ©, indicates the selection is under copyright protection.
    TheMasterWorks will file your application for permission to use the arrangement. C4C.

A note about style: TheMasterWorks does not include music in the jazz or rock idioms.

Solo Trumpet
Title Description Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Coronation) 1: marked by fanfare figures; 2: an embellishment of stanza 1; 3: lyrical but powerful ctr mel above the melody. 3 Stanzas; G; 3 $5 hyBRko13 A00005
God of Our Fathers 1: rhythmic fanfare figures based on the standard triplet intro; 2: lyrical but stately ctr mel; 3: extended, articulated fanfare lines embellish the melodic line; 4: powerful, lyrical ctr mel brings strength to the final stanza. 4 stanzas; Eb; 3+ $5 hyBRko13 G00002
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing For Picc. Tpt, timp (opt), org. 1: tpt/timp interject melodic fanfare-like figures; 2L lively tpt lines, timp outlines cadences; 3: embellished, regaal fanfares over a walking base in organ. Key of Eb. 2 stanzas; E; 4 $5 hyMIko63 H00003
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing for Picc. Tpt, timp (opt), org. 1: tpt/timp interject melodic fanfare-like figures; 2L lively tpt lines, timp outlines cadences; 3: embellished, regaal fanfares over a walking base in organ. Key of F. 2 stanzas; F; 4 $5 hyMIko24 H00004
Jesus, My Strength, My Hope 1: melody; 2: rhythmic, melodic fills respond to the melody; 3: tacet; 4: exclamatory ctr mel peppered with rhythmic figures - fervent tone. 3 stanzas; Db; 2+ $5 hyBRko12 J00001
Joy to the World For piccolo tpt, org. (Key of C) Overall: unrestrained. Intro: begins with unaccompanied tpt, joined by organ; 1: embellished interjections; 2: higher than 1, triumphant, powerful lines over melody; 3: unrelenting motion in lines bring to a powerful close. Not for the casual picc tpt player. 4 stanzas; C; 4 $5 hyBRko14 J00004
Rise Up, O Church of God 1: melody; 2: regal ctr mel; 3: rhythmic fanfares building to 4: embellished triumphant arpeggiated figures to end. 4 stanzas; Bb; 2+ $5 hyBRko12 R00003
Soldiers of Christ Arise 1: melody; 2: stately ctr melody; 4: tacet; 5: solid fanfare lines rising to final cadence. 4 stanzas (1,3,4,5); D; 2 $5 hyBRko12 S00005
The Solid Rock 1: melody; 2: tacet to refrain which adds strenght through rhythmic figures; 3: melodious ctr mel moves to refrain where tone gaines strength to the end over a walking bass. 3 stanzas; F; 2+ $5 hyBRko12 T00007
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Trumpet Duets
Title Description Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Christ the Lord is Risen Today 1: melody divided between tpts; 2: marked by imitative, antiphonal motives; 3: tacet; 4: motives from stanza 2 are elaborated, building strength and intensity to end. 4 stanzas; C; 4 $8 hyBRko24 C00003
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 1: melodic elaboration; 2: motivic fanfares pass between players, cresting in middle; 3: simple, mellow lines prepare for 4:imitative motives building to a celebratory ending. 4 stanzas; F; 3+ $8 hyORkoF2 P00005
Stand Up and Bless the Lord 1: melody elaborated between parts; 2: tacet; 4: melodic lines grow in intensity to 5: tone becomes firm and grows in strength to end. 4 stanzas (1,2,4,5); F; 3 $8 hyBRko23 S00008
The Solid Rock 1: melodic line shared between parts, harmony at refrain; 2: graceful ctr melodies move trhough harmony; 3: lively motives bounce between the partsgrowing in strength to an exuberant ending. 3 stanzas; F; 3 $8 hyBRko23 T00006
Ye Ransomed Sinners, Hear Key of Ab. Setting intended for players to be on different sides of congregation. 1& 2: melody shared between parts; 3: simple fanfares grow in complexity through 4 and 5which includes overlapping motives growing to a powerful close. 5 stanzas; Ab; 4 $8 hyBRko24 Y00001
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Trumpet Trios
Title Description Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Be Exalted © Extended intro begins with just tpts, ending with tpt 1 and org. Trumpets tacet on verse. Chorus features highly contrapuntal lines weaving through the harmony. 1 Stanza; Bb; 2+ $8 hyBRko32 B00003
The Solid Rock 1: melody shared between parts; 2: imitative counterpoint outlines harmony - becomes a solid fanfare; 3: last stanza is exuberant - technical in all parts, building tp end over a powerful bass in the organ part. 3 stanzas; F; 4 $8 hyBRko34 T00005
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Mixed Instruments
Title Description Stanzas; Keys; Diff Level $ Prefix Cat #
Emmanuel For cl, sop sx, flugel (tpt), org- sung in a reflective Christmaas eve service. 1x: subtle, transparent lowing lines fill the harmony, growing in quiet determination, but resolving to a quiet ending. 2 stanzas; C; 3+ $5 hyMIko34 E00002
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly For sop sx. 1: flowing lines sweetly intertwine the harmony; 2: begins w/ peaceful ctr mel and moves to more active lyrical line. The part is high and can be heard over the congregation - composed for a reflective Christmas Eve service. 2 stanzas; G; 2+ $5 hyWWko12 I00006
What Child Is This? For cl or 1: flowing lines are cheerful, lighthearted; 2: lyrical, lilting, almost whimsical with delight. 3 stanzas; e min; 3+ $5 hyWWko13 W00004
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