Phone (USA): 860.833.4072
TMW Clinics
TheMasterWorks offers clinics for church and school ensembles and musicians. If you say to yourself, "I know we can get a better sound." then consider one of the clinics below. Dr. Marcia LaReau brings her expertise to help you raise the level of excellence. She has worked with volunteers of all ages as well as professional musicians. She has serviced as a clinician in the United States and abroad since 1978. Consider using her gifts to touch your musicians and raise the level of excellence, expertise, and commitment.
  • Full Orchestra Clinic. If your church or school has a full orchestra and you want to give them a boost - consider having a clinic day. Designate a Saturday, or two adjacent evenings for your orchestra to come together. Dr. LaReau will work on "unity of sound," address intonation, blend, balance, tone, dynamics and musicality within the ensemble setting. The experience begin with a consultation by phone to clarify expectations and identify specific areas of focus.

  • Chamber Orchestra Clinic. We take heart that the scriptures refer to joyful NOISE and believe that might be a more realistic outcome than "music". Consider inviting Dr. LaReau to your church. Allow her many years of experience as an orchestra conductor and clinician to bless your musicians, encourage them (and you!) and raise the quality of sound, their commitment to the program, and its outreach to your church family.

  • Brass Ensemble Clinic. Dr. LaReau brings her expertise from 20 years of professional playing. She will address the fundamentals of brass playing as well as technical considerations and solutions for all instruments of the brass section including the dilemma experienced by players who cannot practice on a regular basis but desire to contribute their music gifts.

  • Conductor Clinic. This clinic is especially for choir directors who conduct instrumental ensembles. It is designed to build technique, solve past issues and build confidence in conducting techniques as well as rehearsal solutions. This clinic is best done in an ensemble setting and in conjunction with one of the ensemble clinics mentioned above.

  • Mix and Match. You've read through the list of clinics and perhaps you've looked at the TMW Workshops page and what you really want is "a bit of this" and "a bit of that." Contact us and tell us how we can help.

Phone (USA): 860.833.4072 TMWtear